Vlog: Common Misconceptions about Agile

We often think of agile in too narrow terms. It is a philosophy of flexibility, that is broader than the way your office looks, or how your project management and IT department works. And it is different from lean management as well.
13 July 2017
Gidion Peters
Organize Agile

In this vlog, I share the four elements of agile. Agile centers around delighting customers as the goal of any activity, working in short cycles in order to receive feedback, building multidisciplinary teams that can act fast and visualizing work.

Agile enables your organization to become flexible, nimble and fast. So that you can create more value for your customers.
At Organize Agile, our focus is to radically increase your organization’s flexibility. So you can respond to changes in markets, technology and customer demands faster.
We specialize in the application of Agile and Scrum. These frameworks are what make innovative organizations like Google, Amazon and Spotify successful. We have adapted Agile and Scrum so that all businesses can profit from them.

Gidion Peters

Co-founder & agile coach
De wereld van organiseren staat aan de vooravond van grote veranderingen. Ik haal er plezier uit om daar een rol in te spelen: die van innovator. Door het ontwikkelen van nieuwe manieren van denken en werken. Zo help ik leiderschapsteams en organisaties in de VS, Europa en Latijns-Amerika.